Not hard: you can try it on most calculators. It has to do with raising any number to a specified power.
Consider "2", and muliply it by itself a certain number of times. The progression is 2 4 8 16 32 64 128... and so on.
The number of times the self-multiplication is done is called the "power" and in that example the highest is 7, with the result 128. That can be written as 27 = 128, or some prefer 2^7 = 128.
Notice that if (as here) we're interested in the cumulative total of the series, we should add those numbers, as in:
2+4+8+16+32+64+128... and then that total grows as 2 6 14 30 62 126 254...
Now, with this booklet we hope that each person who buys and reads it will send and recommend it to a dozen or two of his or her friends and that a few of those will then do the same. It's a replication process. The booklet can easily be read within half a day, but suppose it takes a month on average for each replication, for each reader will need to think about it. Then, how many is "a few"?
I've done that sum by assuming that eager libertarians emailing their friends will see a higher rate of positive response than the large number of people not much involved but still unhappy about how the country is moving; and five other categories in between, with a reasonable "few" factor for each, ranging from 8 a month down to 1. The result is good; in two years or less, we should be very well on the way. But by all means, do that kind of estimating for yourself.
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