Jim Davies
Write-in Libertarian for Governor

Prop-Tax Battle Tactics

The Page "Property Tax Abolition" shows the what, the why and the how of terminating at least the 75% of this vicious tax that funds the government school monopoly. Here, I'm offering a practical, detailed plan to end it.

I dislike politics and have not done this. To my knowledge, nobody has. So thisPage comes with no promises; no doubt, we'll learn from experience as we go along. What it sets out to do is to suggest how in practice you could end the school tax in a Town of 3,000 population in about half a year.

Three quarters of those people (2,250) will be of voting age, and will be grouped into about 1,200 households. That's not to say that husband and wife always think alike, but they often do, and that helps.

Of the 2,250 about 1,575 will live in households in which there is no child under 18. Every one of those 1,575 will support abolition of the school tax as soon as he or she is shown clearly that it's in his self-interest to do so. Recall: each such couple is pouring away on it some $2,500 a year for about 30 years, for a dead-loss total of $75,000. For nothing in return.

The other 675 will have kids of school age, and however much they agree that schools are bad, most of them will see their immediate alternative as more expensive - so we can't count on much support there.

But of course, we don't know in advance who is in which group. So we have to work the phones and find out, and build support.

Start with 100 local phone calls, making them over 2 or 3 weeks in the evening - and with notebook handy to record reactions. Hopefully, about 70 should indicate interest and perhaps 6 of them will show real enthusiasm for the idea of saving $75,000. Those 6 will become your Action Committee.

Have the 6 meet with you and hammer out a detailed plan - timing, wording etc. Then set them all to work to do what you just did: telephone 100 each, over thenext 2 or 3 weeks, to repeat the process. That will cover another 600.

That will add perhaps another 36 to your central group of enthusiasts, and the rest should be easy. The total of 46 will easily finish off the remaining calls(1,200 minus 700 = 500) and the end result will be a bunch of 50+ enthusiasts and a database of every voter in Town with a note of initial response.

You'll probably want to establish a small fund with a Treasurer, to take in contributions enough to cover the cost of handbills etc. But - Keep It Simple.

So next you have the 50 make a second call to all who gave a generally positivereaction on the first call. If that number was 1,575 (see above) that is just over 30 calls each, so should be completed in a week. Update the database, and you now have a head of steam, ready to dominate the next Town Meeting.

The wording of the proposed resolution ("warrant") you'll have gotten on the agenda will be up to the Action Committee, but will in effect terminate your Town's participation in the government school system and reduce its property- tax rates by at least the proportion (about 75%) that pays for them. Ideally itshould slash them 100%, but remember, this is politics: it will be far easier to build a consensus for getting rid of the school tax than for getting rid also of the tax that pays for water, roads, sewers, parks etc.

Finally it's then just a matter of getting out the vote. You'll already know whom to call, and your 50 enthusiasts can make those 1,575 calls perhaps twice more, once a week or so in advance of the Town Meeting and once, if possible, on the day itself.

The teachers' Unions may scream and holler, but you'll trounce their vote by two to one. The back of the property tax will be broken. Generations of children in your Town will begin to receive a proper education, and a giant step will have been taken towards re-establishing full property ownership.

The news of your victory will sweep the whole State, and a few months later dozens of other Towns will have followed your example; the enemy will be in a condition of universal rout. As that takes place, TV crews from across the Nation and the world will arrive to chronicle how it was done. This disastrous era in which the world's governments indoctrinate the world's children will rapidly end up in the trash can of history and mankind will enter a new age of enlightenment, freedom and prosperity.

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