Jim Davies
Write-in Libertarian for Governor

Ron Paul's Admission

The news that no Section of the Internal Revenue Code requires anyone to file income tax returns, makes anyone liable to pay them, or even defines the term "income" for legal purposes, is the best-kept secret in America.

Congresspersons, judges and everyone else feeding at the public trough are especially reluctant to let it out. The most they normally do is to go quiet or change the subject when asked directly to "Show Me The Law."

If any such law did exist, it would be perfectly simple to cite it, and put an end to whistle-blowers like me. So the fact that time after time they fail to do so just speaks volumes, louder and louder, to the fact that we are right.

But just occasionally, like a needle in a haystack, it's possible to find a half-way honest politician; and one even more honest than half-way is Ron Paul of Texas. Re-elected as a Republican to the chagrin of the leadership in his own Party, they scorn him as a "libertarian" and he did, in fact, run in 1988 for President as a Libertarian. So unlike them, he does know which way is up.

Even he admitted it too reluctantly for my liking, but admit it he did, in a letter of reply to my New Hampshire friend Ken Weiland. Ken has allowed me to show you the exchange. First, below, is Ken's letter to Ron Paul.

Then comes Congressman Paul's reply. Alas, he has not yet agreed to go as far as to speak loud and strong with this news, for example on the floor of the House with C-SPAN cameras rolling. Perhaps he feels he has too many enemies already. But just look at the first words of his second paragraph:

"You are right about the Code..." he says. There is the admission, for the first time to my knowledge, right from the belly of the beast. Good for you, Ron Paul. Now join us, and shout it from the rooftops!

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