Jim Davies
Write-in Libertarian for Governor

How You Can Help Me WIN

Government people have rigged things so they stay around for ever until voted out, and they just LOVE to exercise authority! So it's a real tough job to persuade 51% of voters that what they've voted for all their adult lives needs scrapping and starting over. The usual way, that costs a truck load of money and I have little more than a mug full.

So instead of jumping through government hoops (like pleading for money and signatures petitioning to take part in their silly games and TV "debates") I'm taking advantage of the new medium - the Internet - which they haven't yet figured out how to control.

So here's what you can do to help, if you like what you see here. It will work even if you're too young to vote (funny thing: they don't let you vote until they've had your mind under their daily influence for twelve years... Hmmm) for even then you know plenty of people who can, and you can tell them how to vote straight.

Go ahead, then, and spread the word! You can work the Internet, so just give them this URL, tell them to look for themselves. And of course, tell all your friends and get them to do the same thing. A bit like a "chain letter", except it's honest.

Send the URL (www.TakeLifeBack.com) by e-mail to all who live in New Hampshire and whom you have in your e-mail address book. Add some words of your own to say why this Site is worth visiting (use any nice words you like.) And in it, ask them to do the same, to friends of theirs!

We do exactly that when e-mail brings us a "joke", right? Well, this is even more worthwhile than a good set of laughs. It brings real money, real freedom.

I've arranged a text file here to download, if you'd prefer to use a ready-made e-letter. Just type the subject line as shown, then delete the top line, then add your own signature. E-mail it to as many New Hampshire residents as you know.

That will spread the word nicely, yet it won't have cost anyone a dime! So much for "campaign finance reform" the Republicrats keep pretending to care about. Their problem is not to reform payment for broadcasting what they want to say, but in finding anything to say that's worth hearing. For decades, they have kept good Libertarians out of the public eye by requiring (a) horribly large numbers of signatures on petitions and (b) impossible amounts of money to buy Media attention. Well, those days are gone. The Net is the People's Medium. Grab it with both hands, and use it while we can to make ourselves free - to Take Our Lives Back!

Oh, and lastly: if you want, let me know what you think. If you send a question that might have general interest, I'll answer it on the "Questions and Answers" page. If you don't mind I'll not give out my phone # (some government people might use it to make nuisance calls in the night, and at my age I need my beauty sleep) but you can fax them to 763-8753.

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