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55. How can I protect my assets?


In theory, since the IRS has no legal right to sieze any assets, all we need do is to follow the advice in Mr Schiff's Lien & Levy Package and expect them to obey the law.

In practice, though, they don't do that; they are a lawless organization - a key part of the Federal Mafia. Our problem is not with court orders (they are almost never even sought) but with illegal seizures. These Mobsters will grab what they can. Accordingly, it behoves us also to move assets out of their reach.

Homes are very seldom seized, and are very easy to protect; just either transfer the title to some other party such as a trust, or simply make sure that there are "friendly" liens in place that reduce one's equity close to zero. Vehicles too are simple to protect - register them in the name of a person or company (which can be set up for the purpose) that is not in any dispute with the IRS.

But liquid assets need more work. Banks are not supposed to hand over money in depositor accounts (absent a court order) but they do anyway; and the Courts are so corrupt that recovery is impracticable. Even the Peggy Williams case, which she won, was overturned on appeal. So Zedheads take precautions; never leaving more than a small sum in a US bank, holding money offshore in trusts, etc. Techniques include:

What the IRS cannot find, they cannot illegally seize.

References ISMIS Found in Irwin Schiff's Publications:

The Basic Tool Set is needed for a proper understanding of this as of all questions indexed here.

The Federal Mafia in Chapter 7 reviews "How the Federal Mafia illegally siezes property" and includes the sorry story of how a presumably capitalist, free-enterprise publisher called Simon and Schuster actually joined the IRS in swindling Mr Schiff out of half a million dollars of earnings from his 1982 best seller "How Anyone Can Stop Paying Income Taxes" - on sales of which the publisher had already earned useful profits. While hardly a "how to avoid" lesson, this certainly warns the reader that third parties who are subject themselves to IRS pressure - and not only banks - are simply not to be trusted with one's assets.

   The Federal Mafia ($41.80)   Check Out Now

Audiotape Series 3 Tape 1 recommends the use of an offshore trust to hold liquid assets and titles to major tangible ones. It also reports how ten IRS agents stormed Mr Schiff in his car, arresting him and seizing the car; and how within 24 hours he had taken back both his person and his automobile.

   Series 3 & 4 ($110)   Check Out Now

Audiotape Series 5 Tape 3 explains the immense significance of the new (1999) Code Section 6334 (e) - which virtually eliminates the possibility of seizure of one's home by the IRS. Second only to the fear of imprisonment, that possibility has kept thousands of timid souls in thrall. Sure enough, following enactment of this and other restrictions on IRS activities, all seizures dropped by 95%!

   Series 5 ($93.50)   Check Out Now

Audiotape Series 6 Tape 5 recommends the use of a PILL Trust to secure assets offshore, as a final, in-depth defense against IRS seizures even though this Series' detailed advice on seizure prevention with a CDPH and Tax Court appeal is so powerful. Even if all that, incredibly, should fail the final defense is that when the grabbers turn up, there's nothing for them to grab!

   Series 6 ($93.50)   Check Out Now

The Lien & Levy Package is indispensible, if property is under threat.

   Lien & Levy Packet ($95)   Check Out Now

The question "Help! I got a 'Notice of Levy'!" is obviously closely associated with this one and that ISMIS page is worth reviewing in connection with asset protection. That shows why the IRS cannot legally seize property and how to obtruct them if they try; this page here suggests how to prevent any ill effect in case they do so regardless.

References ISMIS Found Among T-F-N Posts:

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Message #1992
Message #3900
Message #10405
Message #10458
Message #13519
Message #16365
Message #16411
Message #17213
Message #18268
Message #18272
Message #18276
Message #24125
Message #27082