What you've encountered on this small Web site is phenomenal; right? - you never saw anything like this before? - then spread the word!
Thinking individuals who love freedom and peace have never had such a powerful way to spread good news: the Internet.
You can start immediately, by writing to everyone on your e-mail address list a personal note recommending a visit here; http://www.TakeLifeBack.com/wtc
Don't worry if some write back and call you a kook. Don't worry if only a very few tell you it was thought-provoking, and if only a tiny minority admit that their mind is being changed. We are all victims of 12 to 16 years of government brainwashing, and that sort of programmed blindness is not undone in one day. It was not with me, probably it was not with you. So learn patience!
Then there at least three ways in which anyone can continue to spread the word.
But you, too, can obtain that shirt (from Irwin Schiff's office) and it's a great way to stimulate a useful conversation.
Don't tell him, but my own #1 favorite is better yet: it has a picture of a revolver, pointing directly at the viewer, topped by "I'm from the government" and tailed by "and I'm here to help." Nowhere has the true nature of gummit been stated more succinctly. It immediately - and usefully - divides those who see it into those who are totally confused (smile sweetly and keep moving) and those who say "Yeah! You got that right!" (Talk to those at greater length, see below.)
The horror of 9-11-01 is just the latest in a seemingly endless series of disasters caused by government, and by no means one of the largest.
So any with a spark of love for their fellow-men have a powerful motive to find any and all ways to spread the word that mankind can, if he will but throw off his superstitions and be rid of this pestilence once and for all.
That's about seventy five million adults. Quite a market!
They aren't necessarily all ready. They have hang-ups; they may not be ready to get rid of all government; like a child hesitating to grow up, they still want the illusion of a security blanket. (Some "security"!)
But there are ways to bring them the good news that freedom is within their grasp, and that incredibly valuable information is something for which many will pay. So, the bringers of that good news can make a living. As we certainly should.
You can request more info here.